The Law Office of Rhett Burney

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(864) 228 1616

Personal Injury

How Are Personal Injury Damages Calculated In South Carolina?

Personal InjuryDear several different types of damages. First there are actual damages. These actual damages consist of your medical bills and your lost time from work. Next, we have pain and suffering. Pain-and-suffering is the type of compensation you will receive because you may have suffered during your treatment as a result of the accident. It is hard to put an exact value on pain-and-suffering since not everyone’s pain and suffering are the same. Pain-and-suffering is very fact specific as to the type of injury that you may have received as a result of the accident. Next, we have punitive damages. Punitive damages are damages designed to punish someone. Sometimes we see punitive damages being awarded in drunk driving cases. Or cases where someone has been running from the police are acting in a reckless manner.

What Happens If I Can’t Get A Reasonable Settlement Offer From The Insurance Company?

Hopefully you will have had an attorney assist you in the very beginning. Otherwise, you may have hurt your chances of getting a reasonable settlement offer. If an offer cannot be reached then the case will go to mediation. If negotiations or mediation cannot be resolved then a trial will be scheduled where you will present your case in front of a jury and ask a jury to give you a certain amount of money.

I Was Partially At Fault For The Car Accident That Caused My Injuries In Spartanburg, South Carolina. How Could That Impact My Personal Injury Claim?

Depending upon the amount of fault that you were in the accident could ultimately reduce any settlement that you receive from the insurance company or calls a reduction in any jury verdict based upon the percentage at fault that you were at when the accident was caused. In other words, if you are partially at fault in the accident you may not expect to receive as much in compensation if though you were not at fault at all.

I Was Injured In A Car Accident Caused By An Uninsured Or Underinsured Driver In Greenwood County, South Carolina. Can I Still File A Personal Injury Claim?

Yes, you can still file a personal injury claim however the chances of receiving adequate compensation may be limited if you do not have uninsured or underinsured coverage on your insurance policy. I have drafted an e-book explaining the pros and cons of having uninsured and underinsured coverage. I always recommend that every client get as much insurance coverage as he possibly can because the numbers of people driving without insurance or with little insurance is growing exponentially.

What Are The Risks In Having Any Contact With The At Fault Party’s Insurance After Car Accident In Lawrence, South Carolina?

Understand that they will try to record you and get a statement from you if you’re dealing directly with the at fault party’s insurance. Sometimes given the extent of the damage it will be okay to talk with the other party’s insurance adjuster. But I highly recommend have any free consultation with a lawyer to discuss the best steps to take before you unintentionally hurt your case.

What Will Hiring A South Carolina Car Accident Attorney Do For My Personal Injury Case?

First of all, an attorney is well-versed in the laws in South Carolina dealing with car accidents. An attorney can find money on insurance policies that you would not have known about if you choose to represent yourself. Usually, an attorney can gain more money for you than you would be able to do for yourself if. Remember a lawyer has extensive education and extensive daily experience in handling personal injury cases. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you can outsmart or outwit an insurance adjuster just because you’ve done a little bit of research on the Internet. For more information on Damages In A SC Personal Injury Claim, an initial consultation is your next best step.

The Law Office of Rhett Burney

Call Us Today
(864) 228 1616

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