The Law Office of Rhett Burney

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(864) 228 1616

Truck Accident

What Are The Common Causes Of Trucking Accidents Across South Carolina?

Truck AccidentMost commercial vehicle and trucking accidents are caused by inattentive drivers. Occasionally we will have commercial vehicle or truck drivers were driving impaired or who have driven more than their allotted hours. However, most of the time the accidents caused by simple negligence of the driver by not paying attention to what he or she was doing while they were driving such a large vehicle

What Are Some Severe Injuries You See Resulting In Accidents Involving Semi Trucks Or Other Large Commercial Vehicles Across South Carolina?

Unfortunately, we see a lot of deaths as a result of large vehicles. Mainly because of your size of them compared to the size of a passenger vehicle. If death does not result then we often see people paralyzed, loss of limbs, or other traumatic injuries that result in huge medical bills and long-term medical problems.

Who Is All Potentially Liable For Any Serious Injuries From A Trucking Accident In South Carolina?

When deal with the trucking accident we foresee who the truck driver is. We also look to see whether or not he owned his truck or some other company owned the truck. The owner of the of the truck can also be liable. Another potential liable individual may be the company for whom the driver was acting for and transportation of the goods. There are many different players that could be involved in a trucking accident and that is why an attorney needs to be consulted so they can do the due diligence and investigation determine how many other players name may be to help contribute to compensation of our clients.

How Much Is My South Carolina Trucking Accidents Injury Case Worth?

Without knowing the specific facts of the case and the amount of injuries it is very difficult to tell how much a person’s case is worth until we are able to talk to them and see the extent of the damages and injuries that were sustained as a result of the accident. Every case is different and that is why a lawyer needs to be involved in the outset in order to determine what the case is worth and neck steps to take in order to make sure the value of the case is maximized.

How Do Trucking Accident Personal Injury Cases Differ From Passenger Vehicle Only Accidents With Injuries?

Passenger vehicle and truck accidents are very similar however truck accidents couldn’t deal with federal regulations that are different than what a passenger vehicle will have to address. Also, all trucks on the road should have a certain insurance. In personal injury cases deal with just passenger vehicles there is only usually one party involved however with truck accident cases they are more complex. There are different regulations that must be followed by truck drivers there is also recordings taken and logbooks that need to be looked at to ensure that the truck driver was doing everything in properly. For more information on Trucking Accident Injury Claims In SC, an initial consultation is your next best step.

The Law Office of Rhett Burney

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(864) 228 1616

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